Japanese Language Proficiency Test
I took the JLPT level 3 at the Japanese School (日本人学校(小学部)チャンギ校) today. (Level 4 is the easiest, 1 being the hardest but enough for living in japan) I'm aware that there is also the Standard Charted Marathon run with the SC that morning. Well, I registered for it back in August (about 1-2 weeks before regestration ends) at a obscure place called Midland House at Middle Road (hmmm). I hardly studied. Some of the reasons for that is that there is the lack of study (though i have studied a bit), too much school related activities (mic money sense, sc oath taking / grad night), watch/read too much anime and manga (though they are in japanese with no subtitles). I went there from my house (simei blk 164), walked to Jln Pelatok (there were dogs barking madly at me around there one night) and take from the bustop along Upp Changi Road East and alighted at the school at Upp Changi Road North (quite near). Removed shoes before entering the exam room. During the 2nd part of Listening (聴解) section of the test, I filled up the correct ones but did not for the ans for the wrong ones. I felt that there was not enough time. Overall, I felt that I could have done better if i didn't spent too much time reading the question (though there was enough for the Reading-Grammer / 3rd section and time for correcting mistakes), tables facing the front (mine was in the home econs room), and the clock not being set about 5mins ahead of the correct time.) At the end, there was this strange happy music being played through the PA system. There were a lot of people when leaving, let alone the bustop. So i decided to walk along Changi North Ave 2 before realising that I went the wrong way when I saw the PIE towards the airport (and an airplane landing) and turned back to the school again. The crowd was still there despite some time since I left.
So staying on the side opposite the sch, walked along the pathway until it comes to a dead end. To continue, I climbed over the (extremely dusty) metal railing (the ones you see along expresasways) onto the side of the busy road (vechiles from TPE, PIE and Changi) in the direction of Expo) when I found a dirt path further down at the end of the railing. Had to wait for quite some time when crossing over the PIE (Changi Airport / Tuas) entrances (there was grass to walk on and the side of the flyover had a walkway). I continued on until I reached the bustop opposite where i boarded and walked home (actually, I already am) from there.
Test started at 1420 and ended at 1735. Took me 10 mins to get there but an hour to reach back (due to the croud and detours) to get back. Parents bought me some crappy food from some hawker center for dinner. I'd rather have EVM from MacD instead.
During the 20min break between each paper and on my way out, I managed to explore the campus and take these pictures (havent went to the gym or the other floors though. Also there were food and drinks, but the food and cups ran out T_T):

Classrooms opposite my exam room.

One of the swimming pools. The other is somwhere around the gym.

View of the school.

One of the notice boards and a clock

Same place as above turned 180 degrees around.

The sign outside says "Teachers' Lounge" but it looks more of a storeroom.

Same place as 2 images above but facing the entrance gate at the center.

Saw this on the right hand side on the way out. Around where the guy with the white shirt and blue tie of the above image was.
P.S., The classrooms errily resembles the schools in Japan. From the (Green) Blackboard, to the facilities, toilets and stuff. Though the location of the classes are not along an indoor corridor (with windows) or classes on the opposite side.Or a large field between the entrance gate and the building itself. Kind of like most of the anime I watch and a segment of a game I bought at a closing down sale of a branch of a department store. Forgot what it's called but the english name is "Raw Danger". (Prevous post took place on 1 Dec)
2008-04-12 17:10 edit: Edited codes of the images so that you can see the entire image.
2008-04-19 00:40 edit: Details leading to the above and the results can be found here.
So staying on the side opposite the sch, walked along the pathway until it comes to a dead end. To continue, I climbed over the (extremely dusty) metal railing (the ones you see along expresasways) onto the side of the busy road (vechiles from TPE, PIE and Changi) in the direction of Expo) when I found a dirt path further down at the end of the railing. Had to wait for quite some time when crossing over the PIE (Changi Airport / Tuas) entrances (there was grass to walk on and the side of the flyover had a walkway). I continued on until I reached the bustop opposite where i boarded and walked home (actually, I already am) from there.
Test started at 1420 and ended at 1735. Took me 10 mins to get there but an hour to reach back (due to the croud and detours) to get back. Parents bought me some crappy food from some hawker center for dinner. I'd rather have EVM from MacD instead.
During the 20min break between each paper and on my way out, I managed to explore the campus and take these pictures (havent went to the gym or the other floors though. Also there were food and drinks, but the food and cups ran out T_T):
Classrooms opposite my exam room.
One of the swimming pools. The other is somwhere around the gym.
View of the school.
One of the notice boards and a clock
Same place as above turned 180 degrees around.
The sign outside says "Teachers' Lounge" but it looks more of a storeroom.
Same place as 2 images above but facing the entrance gate at the center.
Saw this on the right hand side on the way out. Around where the guy with the white shirt and blue tie of the above image was.
P.S., The classrooms errily resembles the schools in Japan. From the (Green) Blackboard, to the facilities, toilets and stuff. Though the location of the classes are not along an indoor corridor (with windows) or classes on the opposite side.Or a large field between the entrance gate and the building itself. Kind of like most of the anime I watch and a segment of a game I bought at a closing down sale of a branch of a department store. Forgot what it's called but the english name is "Raw Danger". (Prevous post took place on 1 Dec)
2008-04-12 17:10 edit: Edited codes of the images so that you can see the entire image.
2008-04-19 00:40 edit: Details leading to the above and the results can be found here.