Disorientated Feelings (Part 40)

Me: "Is there a way to tell how stressed Saeko is if she can't express it emotionally?" Principal: "Well, one way to tell is from her actions or the number of things she has to cope with sententiously. You can ask her yourself, of course, but you should be careful about the timing that you do it. Since she respects you the most and relied upon for emotional support, she might approach you herself while not in a good mood. Another way to tell is to check her system status, which is the most accurate, but hard to access without Saeko herself being aware of it even though she has no control over it. Do you have other questions? I might not remember everything I'm supposed to tell you since it has been a few decades." About Seko or Mizuho Academy... that I can ask someone else later. Oh, there's one thing that has been bothering me. Me: "You said that I have children that I gave birth to, right? But why do I find it had to see them or have ge...