219th post

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If you didn't know by now, "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" refers to laser.
To tell you the truth, I actually don't know how to continue the story from where I last dropped off. I know I have written a lot for it, complete with photos, but I kind of run out of ideas on how to continue based on what I have written without it entering the grey area where stuff I may mention if I were to continue may be suggestive.
Here are my options if I were to continue:
- as mentioned above
- continue describing in detail on the daily life, but would lack progress and stuff may be repeated again
- pretend what happened earlier never happened
- a sudden jump in time with (or without) a brief explanation of what happened in-between
- a (or several) spinoff(s) of the story. Might be based on a character that goes to some of the same places as the main character
- start over with another story
- something that I currently have not thought of
Oh, as for URLs you see in my drawings/vector most of the time, they actually point to my Japanese-language blogs and rarely to the English ones, including here. The name 高橋はるか (Haruka Takahashi) obviously refers to me. Of course, my real-life friends might call me by a completely different name that I hate... \(-_-)/ Hmm...