Mistakes spotted

v0038: Date was written as "2008年11日20日(木)" (Thursday, 20th November 2008). The character for 日 in red is supposed to be 月. Looking back at the version before I changed the font to the current one, this problem was already there, but was not so obvious there.
v0045: Day of the week in the date was written as 金 (Fri), but 13 December 2008 was a Saturday (土). Corrections has been made to the primary image.
The corrections has been made to the images and respective images would be changed. Initial versions and outlines of these would remain unchanged due to the location they are uploaded to and for the former, it's supposed to display what it might had look like when it first came out and compare the differences (major or minor) with the current version. As outlines are introduced to the drawings blog recently, vectors done before 10 December 2008 would only reflect the version as at that date, and not when it first came out (unless no changes were made to it since then).
8:53AM Edit: I made an error with the parts in bold above. The "0" in 20th was written as "o". LOL
As I use OpenOfice.org instead of Microsoft Office on my main PC, it's impossible to correct grammatical errors. Even if I do use MS Word, they would sometimes point out the errors and not offering on how to correct it other than revising it.
There are at times I try to correct them, but it takes up too much of my time.