Minor stuff noticed in To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

Those drinks... they look familiar... where have I seen them before? Let's have a closer look at the drink.

Curry Soup? Soup of the bear? Well, I don't remember the name, but I know it had that design.

Ah! It's one of the drinks that came out that had earlier swallowed Touma's 2000 yen note in Index.

The covers appear to be based on actual magazines, but let's focus on the bottom of where Mikoto is standing at.

Wait?! "Denki Daioh" with the cover of Shana??? About the Shakugan no Shana S OVA that just came out this month???

Speaking of Shana, this scene in the same episode reminds me of the Shana Anime when the Fuzetsu is activated.

These two images are of the same place, with the 1st image being chronologically later than the 2nd. However, there is no closet in the first image. (Note: Kuruko is on Mikoto's bed)

Let's zoom in at the study desk behind Kuruko's bed. Railgun makes the place look smaller than Index. The fridge is still there but the gap on the left-side of the bed is a lot narrower and where did the bed go in the 2nd image of this set?

Speaking of Saten and Uiraru, these two girls did make a cameo appearance in the opening and some scenes in the main episode (quite rare) of Index. Btw, who is that guy in the 2nd image?