Stuff to do

There's just too many things and so little time to do things that I have to sort stuff around according to priority, but I might forgotten what they were along the way.

Screenshot of a post I did last night early this morning.

It's not obvious, but there are already several things to fix or already fixed in this picture alone.
  1. The new watch list has been un-bold.
  2. Width of the background image of [1] needs to be change to wider than 230px. Of  course, there should be empty spaces on the left too.
  3. Width of the entire blog is too wide, but this would affect [2]. Well, the width is already percentage based anyway.
  4. The search bar at the bottom right that stays there regardless of how much you scroll. Should it be there? It behaves differently in IE.
  5. The page that [4] would lead you to is outdated and looks awful, but it's on an external website whose settings are obscure and needs manual editing.
  6. [1] has been moved up.
  7. Should the numbers of the paragraph before the second image of the main post be in full-width or half-width?
  8. Do I even need a tooltip-like thing when hovering over text?
  9. Besides [2], the image should be aligned to the right with no empty space on the left.
  10. Navigation menu: It's inconsistent across all of my blogs.
  11. Should I change the font to MS PGothic or something similar?  No, that would be like staying in the past.
  12. I know that the old version of [1] in there does not blend well, but they would be ending in 1-3 weeks anyway.
  13. There's too much pink/red and white.
  14. Frame around images in post should be changed. Maybe removing it and have a shadow effect in its place would work.
  15. Correct typing errors.
  16. Colour used in the caption in the image should change.
  17. Maybe I should have uploaded the image as JPEG instead of PNG, but that would cause distortion around text, despite the size being smaller.

Yes, this are a list of things I would do based on this image alone on top of other things, like heading out to by several TB of drives (SATA? IDE? Built-in? HDD? SSD? USB? 2.5"? 3.5"? Location/Brand/Price? I don't mind where they were made, but it does tell me about the price and quality/durability.) as additional backup to stuff already on CD/DVD. Earliest backup is about 4 years old already. Oh, and is only a small portion of what I should be doing. What I didn't mention have the ones that are higher in priority, and if I were to list what I know, it would probably be longer than all the stories I've written here.

My review of Durarara episode 2 (I know it's at 10 now) is not yet done, but I've already written quite a bit.


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