629th post: How it is not possible for Tari Tari to have a second season

(This is a repost from the anime blog)

Don't get me wrong, but Tari Tari is a 13-episode anime from the Summer 2012 season. It's so good that I would recommend you to watch it. What I'm writing here is pointing out hints how you would be disappointed that there won't be more of it.

  • Based on a group of third year of senior high school students
    • continue into college other than as a epilogue are uncommon
  • starts in the summer before summer holidays
    • In Japan, this means that it's around the 3rd or 4th month since the school year started
  • Creation of a club made up of only 3rd years
  • Late into the series, works to replace the school with a condominium began and stopped accepting new students for the following year
    • spinoff that takes place at the school later is unlikely
    • nobody make an anime at a place that has construction everywhere
  • The anime started with people who just met each other, with one (Wein) being an exchange student from Austria (not Australia). At the end of it, everyone went off their separate ways.
    • This means that a new series based on this season as the prologue or epilogue is not possible


    Ruuko said…
    i agree :( even though i want another season orz..

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